West Borneo
Monday, September 24, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Winstep Xtreme
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Sunday, September 9, 2012
Nepethes robcantleyi â nama tanaman itu â pertamakali ditemukan oleh Rob Cantley, mantan polisi asal Hong Kong yang beralih profesi ke industri tanaman tahun 1997 di Mindanao, Filipina. (arcor.de)
Ditemukan, Monyet Jambul ala Elvis Presley
Ditemukan, Siput Albino Bertubuh Seputih Susu
Lima Tahun Lagi, Mammoth Akan Hidup di Bumi?
Foto Hewan Terbaik Sepanjang 2011
Sepertiga Terumbu Karang Indonesia Rusak
VIVAnews – Sebuah pohon pemakan tikus akhirnya diresmikan sebagai spesies baru bagi ilmu pengetahuan, 7 tahun setelah pohon itu dipamerkan di ajang Chelsea Flower Show. Pohon karnivora terbesar di dunia –dengan diameter bunga mencapai 2,5 meter– itu sebenarnya sudah jadi pusat perhatian pengunjung sejak 5 tahun terakhir.
Pengembang pohon ini sendiri sukes mendapatkan empat medali emas dari Royal Horticultural Society, namun meski telah menjadi pohon paling banyak difoto sepanjang sejarah, baru saat ini saja pohon karnivora terbesar itu tersebut diakui sebagai spesies tanaman baru.
Nepethes robcantleyi, nama baru untuk pohon ini, diberikan setelah sampel daun dan fotonya diberikan pada Martin Cheek, pakar klasifikasi tumbuhan dari Royal Botanic Gardens, Inggris.
“Ini bukanlah cara yang biasa untuk menemukan spesies baru,” kata Cheek, dikutip dari Independent, 26 Desember 2011. “Penemuan ini sangat tidak lazim dan merupakan kejutan besar,” ujarnya.
Cheek menyebutkan, saat ia diberikan sampel dan foto-foto pohon tersebut, tidak perlu waktu lama baginya mendapati spesies ini adalah spesies baru bagi ilmu pengetahuan. “Tumbuhan ini sangat besar, dramatis, dan spektakuler,” kata Cheek.
Untuk memangsa hewan, tanaman ini punya celah di bunganya sehingga bisa memancing serangga, reptil, sampai hewan mamalia masuk ke dalam kawah yang penuh asam klorida dan enzim yang mampu mengurai tubuh hewan itu untuk dijadikan nutrisi. Kandungan zat-zat yang ada di dalam bunga itu sendiri serupa dengan isi perut manusia.
Nepethes robcantleyi sendiri pertamakali ditemukan oleh Rob Cantley, mantan polisi asal Hong Kong yang beralih profesi ke industri tanaman. Pohon itu ia temukan pada tahun 1997 saat ia menjelajah hutan lindung di Mindanao, Filipina. Ia kemudian mengumpulkan beberapa bibit dan berhasil menumbuhkannya.
Senin, 26 Desember 2011, 11:58 WIB
Muhammad Firman
Nepethes robcantleyi â nama tanaman itu â pertamakali ditemukan oleh Rob Cantley, mantan polisi asal Hong Kong yang beralih profesi ke industri tanaman tahun 1997 di Mindanao, Filipina. (arcor.de)
Ditemukan, Monyet Jambul ala Elvis Presley
Ditemukan, Siput Albino Bertubuh Seputih Susu
Lima Tahun Lagi, Mammoth Akan Hidup di Bumi?
Foto Hewan Terbaik Sepanjang 2011
Sepertiga Terumbu Karang Indonesia Rusak
VIVAnews – Sebuah pohon pemakan tikus akhirnya diresmikan sebagai spesies baru bagi ilmu pengetahuan, 7 tahun setelah pohon itu dipamerkan di ajang Chelsea Flower Show. Pohon karnivora terbesar di dunia –dengan diameter bunga mencapai 2,5 meter– itu sebenarnya sudah jadi pusat perhatian pengunjung sejak 5 tahun terakhir.
Pengembang pohon ini sendiri sukes mendapatkan empat medali emas dari Royal Horticultural Society, namun meski telah menjadi pohon paling banyak difoto sepanjang sejarah, baru saat ini saja pohon karnivora terbesar itu tersebut diakui sebagai spesies tanaman baru.
Nepethes robcantleyi, nama baru untuk pohon ini, diberikan setelah sampel daun dan fotonya diberikan pada Martin Cheek, pakar klasifikasi tumbuhan dari Royal Botanic Gardens, Inggris.
“Ini bukanlah cara yang biasa untuk menemukan spesies baru,” kata Cheek, dikutip dari Independent, 26 Desember 2011. “Penemuan ini sangat tidak lazim dan merupakan kejutan besar,” ujarnya.
Cheek menyebutkan, saat ia diberikan sampel dan foto-foto pohon tersebut, tidak perlu waktu lama baginya mendapati spesies ini adalah spesies baru bagi ilmu pengetahuan. “Tumbuhan ini sangat besar, dramatis, dan spektakuler,” kata Cheek.
Untuk memangsa hewan, tanaman ini punya celah di bunganya sehingga bisa memancing serangga, reptil, sampai hewan mamalia masuk ke dalam kawah yang penuh asam klorida dan enzim yang mampu mengurai tubuh hewan itu untuk dijadikan nutrisi. Kandungan zat-zat yang ada di dalam bunga itu sendiri serupa dengan isi perut manusia.
Nepethes robcantleyi sendiri pertamakali ditemukan oleh Rob Cantley, mantan polisi asal Hong Kong yang beralih profesi ke industri tanaman. Pohon itu ia temukan pada tahun 1997 saat ia menjelajah hutan lindung di Mindanao, Filipina. Ia kemudian mengumpulkan beberapa bibit dan berhasil menumbuhkannya.
Bunga tanaman Nepethes robcantleyi sedang mencerna cicak
“Di kebun kami banyak tikus dan mereka seringkali tertangkap oleh pohon tersebut dan kami terpaksa mengeluarkan tikus-tikus itu,” kata Cantley. “Tumbuhan bisa mencerna tikus-tikus itu, tetapi kami tidak bisa. Baunya sangat menjijikkan,” ujarnya.
Di alam bebas, kata Cantley, tumbuhan ini mungkin makan tanaman lain atau serangga. “Namun di penangkaran, mereka seringkali menangkap hewan lain seperti tikus dan kadal kecil,” dia menambahkan.
Bunga tanaman Nepethes robcantleyi sedang mencerna cicak
“Di kebun kami banyak tikus dan mereka seringkali tertangkap oleh pohon tersebut dan kami terpaksa mengeluarkan tikus-tikus itu,” kata Cantley. “Tumbuhan bisa mencerna tikus-tikus itu, tetapi kami tidak bisa. Baunya sangat menjijikkan,” ujarnya.
Di alam bebas, kata Cantley, tumbuhan ini mungkin makan tanaman lain atau serangga. “Namun di penangkaran, mereka seringkali menangkap hewan lain seperti tikus dan kadal kecil,” dia menambahkan.
Butuh Karyawan
PD. Anugerah Fajar
Jl. Parit Haji Husein 2. No AA5 – 6
Mencari Tenaga Kerja Sebagai Berikut :
1. Supir
2. Kernet
3. Salesman
Syarat :
• Memiliki sim B (untuk Kategori 1)
• Ulet, Cekatan, Jujur dan bisa bekerja dalam tim
• Rajin
• Memiliki sim C (untuk kategori 3), dan kendaraan pribadi
• Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Untuk Lamaran bisa dikirim langsung ke alamat PD. ANUGRAH FAJAR. JL PARIT HAJI HUSEIN 2. NO AA 5 – 6. PONTIANAK. Setiap hari kerja.
Terima Kasih
Iklan berlaku 1 bulan sejak diterbitkan.
Boni Dodori (Reuters) - A furry mammal with a nose like a trunk appears in the remote forests of Africa.
Rather large rat was estimated new species.
Experts who study biodiversity conservation in forest-Dodori Boni, the northeast coast of Kenya, has set up camera traps in the region after a scientist looks binatangsengi (rat elephants) are not known.
From these images, the investigators noticed a maroon color on the shoulders and backs of the species. These animals are also characterized by a lower buttocks with black.
Broadly speaking, scientists considered that these creatures are bigger than normal mice trunked.
It is estimated, that object have the weight of 600 grams, 550 millimeters long and 250 millimeters have tails.
The team of scientists from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is to analyze the animal's DNA to confirm if it was true, including a new species.
If proven, this animal is a species of the 18 of the entry in the family sengi Macroscelididae where it all came from Africa.
"Our ancestors often misunderstood animals"
"Monogamous mating strategies and their charismatic flexible spout makes this species very charming," said the researchers from the California Academy of Science Galen Rathbun
Friday, September 7, 2012
Enggang Bird

Saturday, September 8th 2012, 09:29:00
The Great Smuggling
Again, 189 Part hornbill ivory Secured
PART hornbills: Officers BKSDA West Kalimantan and re-secure Supadio Airport Security 189 Part hornbill ivory, yesterday (7/9). Head West Kalimantan BKSDA Djohan UP showed the evidence secured. HARYADI / PONTIANAKPOST
PONTIANAK --- Smuggling Part hornbill ivory joint return thwarted officers from Pontianak Supadio Airport Security and Natural Resources Conservation Center West Kalimantan. This time the amount is very large, namely 189 Part hornbill ivory is packed in a cardboard box in the cargo airline, Thursday (6/9) at 7:15 pm.
Part of bird mascot of West Kalimantan Province, and then escorted to the BKSDA office for investigation. "Part hornbill ivory is packaged in two boxes containing 86 and 103 pieces of beak. Delivery using courier and travel through two different airlines, but the same goal ie to Jakarta, "said Head of Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation, Main Djohan Perbatasari to reporters, yesterday (7/9) morning.
He said the alleged beaks of the birds came from Melawi District. Until now, there is still further investigation to find out the owner of half of the animals protected. Especially in order to uncover the relationship of smuggling hundreds of hornbills beak smuggling conducted by two female citizens of PRC (People's Republic of China) on August 9, 2012 last.
"We suspected smuggling was conducted by an international syndicate. Involve the local barons in the hunt hornbills are to be traded," said Djohan. According to him, the bird habitat was scattered in the jungle regions such as Kalimantan Melawi, Kapuas Hulu, Sintang, Sanggau, and Ketapang. Ivory hornbill species whose population is so small.
Hunting pressure and the illegal use of sharpened number of individual animals in the wild. "These birds, including protected species that can not be used for any purpose," due diligence. According to Commander SPORC Bekade Kalbar, David Muhammad, the sender ID is bagged, now it will go into Part owner hornbill ivory to legal process. However, the process must be run according to procedure.
Violators of this provision, he said, would be charged under Article 21 paragraph (2) letter d Jo Article 40 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems under penalty of 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 100 million . Furthermore, investigators SPORC KSDA Kalbar will conduct an examination of the expedition and travel companies receiving and transporting Part hornbills Ivory. "We'll continue to search for traces of the owner of this Part hornbill ivory," tegasmya.
Knowing Part hornbill ivory smuggling is still going very unfortunate number of environmental activists. They ask that the perpetrators be arrested immediately and given the maximum sentence to be a deterrent effect. "This smuggling attempt occurred in adjacent time. This means there is no deterrent effect and fear. Whereas previously the perpetrators have been arrested, "said Executive Director Walhi Kalbar, Anton P Widjaya.
According to Anton, hornbills smuggling bill that re-occur, indicating that demand is quite high hornbills beak. "If it is not high where maybe they will send it. Whereas previously there are people who were arrested because of this hornbill beak smuggling, "he said. Anton suspect, smuggling has been common and involves a large syndicate. "They dare to tell because they feel safe. May be used to send and get away, "he said. Anton urged the government to investigate this case to protect the endemic fauna of West Kalimantan are threatened with extinction.
According to Anton, the authorities should be able to trace who sent these hornbills. Tracking can be done by tracing the sender address. "It could use a fake address. But it can be checked back from his expedition company. I do not think it is difficult to trace, "he said. "We no longer want to hear promises again to protect hornbills. But the reality is a lot going on (hunting). So do not just caught at the airport, but also the habitat monitoring, "he added.
Success in such workers seized half Anton said at once implies the failure of agencies involved in maintaining hornbills in their habitat. "If caught at the airport means that previously existed mobilization, there is a series of sales, from the village and up to the buyer," he said. Going forward, there needs to be done tightening supervision in the field. The government also needs to do some research to find out how many burungenggang current population. Currently there is no definite number of hornbills population in West Kalimantan. Having known how many, and how much reduction, then try to look for solutions to preserve these hornbills.
"It should be more concrete rescue. So far than orangutans, hornbills rescue still not very concerned, "he said. A similar proposed West Kalimantan Programme Manager, WWF-Indonesia Hermayani Son. Hermayani encourage parties to track the syndicate poaching and illegal wildlife trade. The hunt hornbills in addition to potentially eliminate the protected species richness was also considered to have abused the entire community of West Kalimantan. "Because we know this is the mascot of West Kalimantan. We do not want to lose the mascot of West Kalimantan, "he said.
Legal Process
Meanwhile, the conference yesterday, also expressed BKSDA two cases of suspected developmental Part 96 hornbill ivory Aug. 9. Two suspects docket citizen of Chinese origin that has been sent to the Attorney General of West Kalimantan. Currently, the suspects are still deposited in Rutan Class IIa penanahannya River Kingdom after obtaining an extension of prosecutors' detention for 40 days from 30 August to 8 October.
Head West Kalimantan BKSDA Djohan Main Wahyudi promised to improve supervision and increase the personnel and coordinate with the Indonesian ports and airports to prevent and Pontianak Supadio narrow smuggling wildlife plants using these lines. "I appeal to the public to immediately stop the hunting of hornbill ivory. To avoid extinction in West Kalimantan's mascot, "he said.
Orang Utan Profil

Orangutan is the one - the only great apes (primates do not caudate) are still living in the continent of Asia and most of the population is in Indonesia. The results of the study of genetics, morphology, ecology, behavior, and life history, orangutans can be divided into two types (Delgado & van Schaik, 2001; Groves, 2001; Zang et al, 2001), namely: Pongo abelii located in North Sumatra and Aceh later Pongo pygmaeus spread in Borneo (West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan; Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia).
Special at Borneo orangutan population found that genetic variation in the morphology and regrouped into three subspecies (Groves, 2001; Warren et al, 2001), namely: 1) Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus spread in the North West Kalimantan (TN. Betung Kerihun, TN Lake Sentarum and vicinity), North to the Northeast Kapuas River Sarawak. 2) Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii has spread in Borneo Southwest, including the southern part of the Kapuas River in the TN. Sebangau and 3) the western part of the Barito River. Pongo pygmaeus morio limited to the eastern part of Sabah and Kalimantan so far Mahakam River.
Currently the species in the wild Borneo Orangutan highly threatened and vulnerable to extinction. Borneo Orangutan defined by IUCN as "endangered" (precarious) and listed in Appendix I of CITES, which means both animals and all products derived from it (flesh, skin, hair, nails, dirt, etc.) should not be traded anywhere.
In Indonesia, orangutans are protected by laws and regulations that exist are the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance No. 233 of 1931, Act 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystems, Regulation 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Flora and Fauna and the Decree of the Ministry of Forestry. 301/Kpts-II/1991.
Orangutans live solitary spring (likely their own), they are arboreal animals (a lot more activity in the trees) that are large, have a wide range area (1-2 km / day), and long life (can be more than 50 years). Orangutan important role in seed dispersal to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Absence Orangutan in the forest could lead to the extinction of a species that spread depends on these primates.
Orangutan survival of tropical forests depends on the form the habitats, ranging from lowland forests, swamps, Heath, to the forested mountains with an altitude of approximately 1800 m asl (Payne, 1987 and van Schaik et al, 1995). In Borneo Orangutan populations altitude about 500-800 m above sea level. As living beings who depend on the forests, orangutans can be regarded as the best representative of the structure of the biological diversity of tropical rain forests are of high quality. Therefore, the orangutan can be used as an umbrella species (umbrella species) for the conservation of tropical rainforests.
Adult male orangutans cheeked (Maias Capan - Dayak Iban language) is twice the adult females or adult males are not cheeked (Maias Timbau - discuss Dayak Iban). Adult female orangutans can be found running along with small children, while her pre-teen or adult (Maias Kesak - Dayak Iban Language) is an independent life and began looking for a partner. Oragutan female is ready to reproduce (bear) at the age of about 14 years old with long gestation 8-9 bulan.Setiap orangutan born only produce one baby with a spacing of 7-9 years (Wich et al, 2009).
Orangutan including omnivorous animals, but most of them only eat plants and 90% of the food in the form of fruits sehngga called frugivores. In addition, they eat bark, leaves, flowers, lianas and some insects. To date from the station - a research station in the area spreading (West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Aceh and North Sumatra) recorded more than 1000 species of plants, small animals and fungi into food orangutan (Rodman, 1973; MacKinnon, 1974; Rijksen, 1978; Galdikas, 1988; Utami and van Hooff, 1997, Ruson et al, 2009).
Usually Orangutan mother will teach her how to get food and drinks of different types of trees in different seasons. Through this, it can be seen that the orangutan turns out to have a complex forest site maps in their brains, so they do not waste energy when searching for food. And his son can also find a variety of trees and plants, which can be eaten and how to process foods protected by a shell and sharp spines.
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